
Editing and copy editing

Are you an author or a writer? Sometimes it helps to get another set of eyes on your article, book or manuscript. Whether you need line-by-line editing or big-picture restructuring, I’m well-versed in CP style and am happy to use your preferred style guide.

Creative services and writing

Do you have a website, but find it difficult to write content or posts? Have you thought about launching a newsletter or doing email marketing, but don’t know where to start?

Media consulting

Let’s talk about your goals so you can get back to working on the stuff you love.

Free resources

Click below to download my handy PDFs.

Copy editing

Want to learn more about copy editing?

Elevator pitch

Have you ever heard of the term elevator pitch?


From the onset of my very first meeting, Suzanne has helped me to navigate my growing pains of taking my health practice online. My email automation, my funnel sales strategy, my digital products, my program and even relaunching myself as a speaker.

Each project that she has worked on for my company,, she made the process seem effortless. She is straightforward and down-to-earth as she brings every idea to fruition for my company goals. I would recommend her services and her ability to help you get clarity on what you want every time, she is absolutely amazing at what she does. I consider her a valuable member of my team that I count on to get the support I need when I need it, and she delivers every time. Thank you, Suzanne!
When the pandemic hit in 2020, we were forced to close the store. Suzanne had the idea to start producing a weekly Fashion News newsletter as a way to connect with our customers. Although we reopened long ago, I decided to keep the newsletter going knowing how much our customers look forward to receiving it every week. In April 2022, we celebrated our two year milestone. Suzanne's meticulous work ethic and positivity are a valuable asset to my business.
Suzanne joined the Toronto NAJC Board in 2022. In that short time, she has demonstrated she understands that as a Board member of an organization with limited resources, ideas have to be backed up by action to achieve meaningful results.
In 2022 Suzanne joined the Toronto Japanese Garden Club. I asked if she would research and write about the club’s history, which she later presented as an excellent, informative slideshow at our 70th Anniversary luncheon to an appreciative audience.